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Facebook Auto Follower APK Download For Android [2021] free

What is the first social media platform that you’ve ever used? Your answer would be Facebook – we are all using it for a decade now. Although it has some cons it can help you build an incredible audience. So are you struggling to get good engagement on Facebook page or profile? If yes, then “FB Auto Follower APK” can be the perfect choice for you.

This app helps you get more reach with your existing Facebook page. More importantly, it is completely free of cost. So read on and I’ll provide you a direct link to download the latest version of FB Auto Follower. Later, I’ll also give you a step-by-step guide on installing and using the app.

What is FB Auto Follower APK?

FB Auto follower apk

FB Auto Follower APK is an Android app that gives unlimited followers on your Facebook profile or page. It is developed by Cyberlinks; one of the best auto liker in the industry.

The app works as a platform to exchange followers with people who need them. Once you sign up with your Facebook credentials, you can select a specific amount of followers to send to your account.

However, this kind of apps may lead to a temporary suspension of your account if used excessively. So I would recommend you don’t it more than twice a week. FB Auto Follower APK also gives you a dedicated option to clear cache from within the app only. Here’s the detailed summary of the APK file.

 APK Information

NameFB Auto Follower APK
Size1.51 MB
Developed ByCyberlinks
Required Android Version4.0 or above
Package Namecom.auto.follower.fb.apk
Total Downloads1M+

Download FB Auto Follower APK For Android

Get the latest version of the APK file from the below link. Also, note that we update our links with the most recent version of the app released by the developer. So make sure to check out the site regularly for updates.



  • Unlimited Followers – You can get an unlimited number of followers with this app.
  • Unlimited Likes – It can also help you get unlimited likes.
  • Small in size – The app is extremely small in size.
  • Easy to use – The UI is self-explanatory and easy to understand.
  • Other tools – It also offers other tools such as Instagram tools and Twitter tools.

How To Install & Use FB Auto Follower APK?

Step #1. Download the APK file from the above link.

Step #2. Go to Settings > Security > Unknown Resources and turn it ON.

Step #3. Head over to the File Manager App > Download Folder and tap on the APK file to install it normally.

Step #4. Next up, launch the app and log in with your Facebook credentials.

Step #5. Follow the on-screen instructions to get followers on your page or profile.


fb auto follower apk


I’ve used many auto followers for Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok such as FB Tools and Freer Pro. But FB Auto Follower is better in my experience. I also recommend you to try a few of them and see what works best.

Comment your thoughts, suggestions, and queries in the section below. Also, make sure to subscribe to the notifications for daily updates from our website.

Direct Download Link

Use the mirror link below, just in case the above one doesn’t work.


  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Myspace
  • Google Buzz
  • Reddit
  • Stumnleupon
  • Delicious
  • Digg
  • Technorati
Author: admin
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